Creative Ministry

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Captain Vengeance

An audio book written and read by Pastor Lutz

Recording and editing by Brett Sutherland

A note from the author…

Twenty-eight years ago, I wrote a novella for my nephew in which he is a superhero.  A few people have read and enjoyed it, but it just sat there like most books.  Since then, I have fallen in love with audio books, and listen to them constantly.  So I thought to myself, I’m a storyteller and I have a book and I know a guy with a sound studio, why not record the book?  So that is just what I’ve done.  The entire book has been recorded and edited but we are going to release different chapters over the next month or two.  Please keep in mind that this is a superhero story with all the violence and super powered people that such a story entails.  And since I’m a Pastor, this story is a journey of faith with all the struggles and questions, we all go through. 

 I hope you enjoy it.

Superheroes not your kind of story?  Don’t worry I also recorded a few stories from sermons I’ve preached over the years.  They will soon be edited and placed here as well.